MAXIMUM VALUE EXIT PLANNING & EXECUTION NETWORKSHOP - RESOURCE YYC This presentation was delivered in partnership with Resource YYC on February 22, 2022 @ 11am - Whether you are a startup or a 3rd generation family business, you should always be building your business so it would be ready and attract the highest price for a sale at any time.
This networkshop explained the urgency in preparing for your exit, regardless of your circumstances. With only 1 in 10 business owners exiting successfully today, you’d better be planning how you can beat the odds. We outlined the 3 phases of an exit you need to plan for; 1) maximize value, 2) transact for value, 3) transfer value), as well as the 2 plans; the owners plan, & the business value growth plan necessary to maximize the sale value of your business.
Lastly, we introduce the value growth process and key factors to give you the most options & best sale price. Most business advisors are focusing on the sale transaction, whereas a successful exit is most dependent on getting your business exit ready and maximizing value well before the transaction to make it the most attractive, which is where you can add multiples to the sale value of your business when the time is right.
This Networkshop introduces:
- How can you plan & execute a successful exit of your business
- Preparing & creating value in each of the 3 business exit phases
- 3 key factors in growing value to give you the most options & best sale price
- Overview of the MExit 2 plan framework
- Crucial considerations in the Owners Plan
- Growing multiples of value in your Business Value Growth Plan PLUS
Further, you can get a free Exit PRE-Score evaluation from MExit, just contact us at #exitplanning#exitexecution#successionplanning#transitionplanning#esgconsciousbusiness#esg#sellingyourbusiness