GREAT TEAMS HAVE THE ABILITY TO HAVE CONFLICT AND COME OUT BETTER FOR IT - I've used the crucial conversations training and methodologies with most of the companies I work with and it is a tool every business should train all staff in. This article is a short guide to improving how we deal with conflict, not quite as thorough as the crucial conversations methodology, but easy to share with everyone. Building teams depends on building a safe place for people to be able to share thoughts and ideas and to do so in a way that they can be heard without fear. Refocusing conversations on our common goals and then toward mutual understanding, instead of who's right, is crucial to making conflict healthy and productive. When people are truly engaged and care, then differing opinions will always arise and we actually want it to. We get the best business intelligence from taking in the most information from the most diverse perspectives and combining them into a much more informed decision. Creating the culture and environment where that can happen naturally is ideal, only it takes permission, process and practice, then it can become the norm and a competitive advantage for an organization to grow both culturally and economically.
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