Merry Christmas to all of our valued business associates & friends! We hope this holiday season brings you joy and time to spend with loved ones. Best wishes for a happy and prosperous holiday season!
Below you'll find our latest events and you can download the update with links to useful resources you are welcome to share.
Next month's events are:
THE 3 KEYS TO UNLEASHING TRANSFORMATIONAL GROWTH & TAKING YOUR BUSINESS TO THE NEXT LEVEL! - ONLINE SESSION - Thursday, January 12, 2023 @ 12pm - Many businesses are stuck, they can't grow to that next level. Growing a business requires transformation, because the same old thinking, gets the same old results. Transformation is about having the people, tools, process and discipline to do what is necessary to take the business to the next level. You can do it if you know how. The registration link is: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/487133297807
EXIT PLANNING 101 - WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW! - ONLINE SESSION - Thursday, January 19, 2022 @11:30am – Please join us & help get the word out for this 90-minute session, where participants learn what they need to know to ensure they have a great business exit & also they'll receive a workbook to start building their own exit plan. The registration link is: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/487291641417
You or anyone you invite can attend using the code RP100 on the top left of the first registration page for a complimentary ticket. All of our session have a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
We believe every business owner deserves a great exit, but only 1 in 10 succeed. Together we can help more business owners beat those odds
